
Membership Application Forms and Approval Process

Member Types

Member - Voting Rights: A voting member in the Association must be collecting a pension from the TWPP. If you wish to have voting rights, confirm that you are in receipt of a Pension from the Telecommunication Workers Pension Plan by entering the date you began receiving your TWPP into the TWPP Start Date box below when completing this form.

Member - Non-Voting Rights: A non-voting member in the Association is a member who has paid into the Telecommunication Workers Pension Plan but is eligible to collect a pension at a later date and is currently not in receipt of a pension from TWPP. Non-voting members shall have the right to attend and speak at all General meetings of the Society but shall not have the right to vote. They shall not have the right to run for the Board of Directors until they become voting members.

Please complete and submit the application form below by clicking on the Apply button. Submit your dues to the Treasurer as described in the Dues Payment Options section. The applications for membership are taken to the next meeting of the Board of Directors for approval.

    If the application is not approved, the application form will be deleted and the dues refunded. If the applicant wishes to appeal the decision the process for an appeal would be taken to the next Annual General Meeting.

    Process For Receiving A Proxy Form (for Voting Members)

    • Request for a Proxy form can be sent to the Treasurer by the member and must include the name of the member that is being assigned the proxy vote.
    • After determining that both parties are members in good standing, the Proxy form is sent by the Treasurer to the requesting member to sign and give to the proxy holder.
    • The member attending the annual general meeting must bring the signed proxy form to the meeting.

    Dues Payment Options

    BCARTW dues are $10.00 per annum. Membership dues cover our fiscal year which runs from May 1st to Apr 30. As a convenience you may pay in advance for future years ($20.00 for 2 years, $30.00 for 3 years, etc.). We do not pro-rate amounts for applying mid-year. Kindly forward your membership dues prior to April 30 each year. BCARTW is able to accept dues payments by online payment (through the Credit Union only), e-Transfer or by cheque.

    Online Bill Payment

    Log into your Credit Union account
    Go to: Add a new Bill Payee
    Then: Browse by Miscellaneous
    Then: BCARTW (Retired Telecom Workers)

    If you are unable to locate the BCARTW, please contact your Credit Union to have us added to their database. Not all Credit Unions use the BC Central Credit Union database. Once you have added the BCARTW to your list of bill payees, add your account number. This is the 4-digit membership number (i.e.: Miller Dianne 0000) If you do not know your membership number, email me at or call me at 1-888-898-5755 toll free. You will receive a confirmation number when you have completed your payment. Please keep this number and date in case of any problems.


    You can e-Transfer to This is set up for auto deposit therefore no security question is required. Please note your membership number and the years you are paying for in the message box.

    Pay by Cheque

    Make your cheque payable to BCARTW and remit before April 30. Do not postdate.

    Mail to:

    Dianne Miller
    BCARTW Treasurer
    227 Linstead Place
    Nanaimo, BC V9T 0G5

    Print Instructions

    Before submitting your application, if you wish to print a copy of this page, right click anywhere on the page and use the Print option from the browser menu.